Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Desire

There are places I would like to go and things I’d like to do
My desires are so many, but I’ll mention just a few
First I would like to write a book about so many different things
To improve the importance of art along with what it brings

The computer is educating and we can learn a lot
If we could make the effort and  give it all we’ve got
What really is amazing about these kids today, to them
The computer is a toy, with it they like to play

Sometimes we get frustrated and feel that we should quit
But yielding to that stupid thought, it just won’t help  a bit
Like a student in a classroom, there are credits we must earn
To make the grade, be not afraid, just persevere and learn

Strange things are happening every day, we should be very smart
Shake up our selves , get busy it’s time to make a start
Without a fear, we will get there, and satisfied we’ll be
Looking back  today, we’ll be pleased to say, Thanks to modern technology

                                                                        Ruby D. Farley


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